Function for filtering NanoStringGeoMxSet dataset
loq.cutoff = 2,
loq.min = 2,
segment.gene.rate.cutoff = 0.05,
study.gene.rate.cutoff = 0.05,
sankey.exclude.slide = FALSE,
A NanoStringGeoMxSet dataset
The number of standard deviations above the negative probe geometric mean to use as a cutoff for the limit of quantification
The minimum value for the limit of quantification
A decimal for the minimum cutoff for the genes detected in a given segment over the total number of genes in the probe set
= A decimal for the minimum cutoff for the average amount a given gene is detected in all segments
A toggle for including the slide name in the Sankey Plot
A list of genes of interest to evaluate for their study-wide detection rate
A list containing the ....
Normalize Nano String Digital Spatial Profile
This function will run various filtering parameters for NanoStringGeoMxSet datasets