spatialDeconvolution estimate cell composition across DSP samples from reference expression matrix
expr.type = "q_norm",
clust.rows = TRUE,
clust.cols = TRUE, = "none",
plot.fontsize = 5, = FALSE,
discard.celltype = FALSE,
normalize = FALSE,
min.cell.num = 0,
min.genes = 10,
ref.annot, = "CellID",
celltype.col = "LabeledCellType"
Nanostring object containing normalized gene expression data
Name of slot containing normalized gene expression data
Use stored profile matrix
Cluster rows in heatmap (Default: TRUE)
Cluster columns in heatmap (Default: TRUE)
Organize heatmap / barplot columns by metadata group (Default: "none")
Set size of labels on all figures (Default: 5)
Remove any celltype(s) that is not of interest (Default: FALSE)
Scale profile matrix gene expression according to gene count (Default: FALSE)
Prevent deconvolution of celltype(s) if number of corresponding cells is below this threshold (Default: 0)
Filter cells based on minimum number of genes expressed (Default: 10)
Custom reference expression matrix (Gene x Reference_Samples)
Custom reference data.frame with and celltype information
Column of data.frame containing info
Column of data.frame containing celltype info
Generate custom profile matrix (Default: FALSE)
A list containing the results of spatial deconvolution, res$beta: matrix of estimated cell abundances res$X: cell signature (gene x celltype) matrix used to generate deconvolution results res$yhat, res$resids: fitted values and log2-scale residuals from deconvolution, can be used to measure goodness of fit res$prop_of_all: res$beta scaled to proportion of celltype across sample figures: heatmap and barplot of cell profile matrix and estimated cell abundances in data
Helper functions comes from
Uses Nanostring developed functions to compute estimated cell fractions in DSP samples. Allows for users to group samples based on metadata information