You should see one plot (TSNE or UMAP, your choice) per gene name provided. The intensity of the red color will be relative to the expression of the gene in that cell
reduction.type = "umap",
number.of.rows = 0,
return.seurat.object = FALSE,
color = "red",
point.size = 1,
point.shape = 16,
point.transparency = 0.5, = FALSE,
assay = "SCT"
Object of class Seurat
Samples to be included in the analysis
Genes which you would like to visualize
Select the kind of clustering visualization you would like to use to visualize the cell type results ("umap", "tsne", "pca"). Default is "umap"
The number of rows you want to arrange your plots into
Set to FALSE if you want only a geneset (and not a Seurat object) to be returned
The color you want to use in your heatmap (default "red")
The size of the points representing each cell in your visualization. Default is 1
The code for your point shape (R "pch" argument). Default is 16
Set the transparency. Default is 0.5
TRUE if you would like to plot Antibody clusters from CITEseq instead of scRNA.
Select Assay to Plot (default is SCT)
a Seurat object with additional metadata or gene table and plot
This function must be run downstream of the Sample Names function, as well as be provided a combined Seurat Object such as the one produced by the SingleR Cell Annotation function