This function performs a DEG (differential expression of genes) analysis on a merged Seurat object to identify expression markers between different groups of cells (contrasts).
contrasts, = "orig_ident", = "MAST",
log.fc.threshold = 0.25,
use.spark = FALSE, = "SCT"
Seurat-class object
Samples to be included in the analysis
Contrasts in the "A-B" format
Select the metadata column that you would like to use to perform your DEG analysis and construct your contrasts from. Default is "orig_ident"
The kind of algorithm you would like to use to perform your DEG analysis. Default is the MAST algorithm (wilcox,bimod,roc,t,negbinom,poisson,LR,MAST,DESeq2).
The minimum log fold-change between contrasts that you would like to analyze. Default is 0.25
Opt to use Spark to parallelize computations. Default is FALSE
The assay to use for your DEG analysis. Default is SCT, but can use linearly scaled data by selecting RNA instead
a dataframe with DEG.
The recommended input is a merged Seurat object with SingleR annotations, along with its associated sample names and metadata