This function uses the Dotplot function from Seurat and plots average gene expression values and percent expressed for a set of genes.
plot.reverse = FALSE,
cell.reverse.sort = FALSE,
dot.color = "darkblue"
Seurat Object
Metadata column in Seurat Object to plot
Vector of metadata category factors to plot and should be found in metadata column. Order of plotting will follow exact order as entered.
Vector of genes to plot. Order of plotting will follow exact order as entered
If TRUE, set metadata categories to x-axis and genes to y-axis (default is FALSE)
If TRUE, Reverse plot order of metadata category factors (default is FALSE)
Dot color (default is "dark blue")
Dotplot with markers and cell types.
This method provides a dotplot showing the percent frequency of gene-positive cells as size of dot and degree of expression as color of dot.