This method provides a heatmap of single cell data from a Seurat object given a set of genes and optionally orders by various metadata and/or gene or protein expression levels. Method is based on ComplexHeatmap::pheatmap
proteins = NULL,
heatmap.color = "Bu Yl Rd",
plot.title = "Heatmap",
add.gene.or.protein = FALSE,
protein.annotations = NULL,
rna.annotations = NULL,
arrange.by.metadata = TRUE,
add.row.names = TRUE,
add.column.names = FALSE,
row.font = 5,
col.font = 5,
legend.font = 5,
row.height = 15,
set.seed = 6,
scale.data = TRUE,
trim.outliers = TRUE,
trim.outliers.percentage = 0.01,
order.heatmap.rows = FALSE,
row.order = c()
Seurat-class object
Sample names
Metadata column to plot
Transcripts to plot
Proteins to plot (default is NULL)
Color for heatmap. Choices are "Cyan to Mustard", "Blue to Red", "Red to Vanilla", "Violet to Pink", "Bu Yl Rd", "Bu Wt Rd" (default is "Bu Yl Rd")
Title of plot (default is "Heatmap")
Add Gene or protein annotations (default is FALSE)
Protein annotations to add (defulat is NULL)
Gene annotations to add (default is NULL)
Arrange by metadata (default is TRUE)
Add row names (default is TRUE)
Add column names (default is FALSE)
Font size for rows (default is 5)
Font size for columns (default is 5)
Font size for legend (default is 5)
Height of row. If NA, adjust to plot size (default is 15)
Seed for colors (default is 6)
Perform z-scaling on rows (default is TRUE)
Remove outlier data (default is TRUE)
Set outlier percentage (default is 0.01)
Order heatmap rows (default is FALSE)
Gene vector to set row order. If NULL, use cluster order (default is NULL)
This function returns a heatmap plot and the data underlying the heatmap.