Returns Seurat-class object with metadata containing ModuleScores and Likely_CellType calls
cite.seq = FALSE,
threshold = c(0),
multi.lvl = FALSE,
reduction = "tsne",
nbins = 10,
gradient.ft.size = 6,
violin.ft.size = 6,
step.size = 0.1
Seurat-class object
List of samples to subset the data by
List of samples to depict on dimension plot, samples not in the list would be colored gray in the background
Table of marker genes for each celltype (column names of the table), append "_prot" or "_neg" for proteins or negative markers
Set to TRUE if there are CITE-seq markers in marker.table (Default: FALSE)
Vector of celltypes from marker.table to screen for
Specify bimodal thresholds for cell classification, should be of the same length as celltypes vector
Base population of cells to classify
Toggle to TRUE if there are subpopulations of cells you want to screen for (Default: FALSE)
Table of subpopulation levels and parent-child information (e.g. Tcells-CD4, Tcells-CD8)
Choose among tsne, umap, and pca (Default: tsne)
Number of bins for storing control features and analyzing average expression (Default: 10)
Set size of axis labels on gradient density plot of ModuleScore distribution (Default: 6)
Set size of axis labels on violin plot of ModuleScore distribution (Default: 6)
Set step size of distribution plots (Default: 0.1)
List containing annotated dimension plot with ModuleScore distribution of cell marker gene, Seurat Object with cell classification metadata
Analyzed features are binned based on averaged expression; control features are randomly selected from each bin.