Maps custom cluster names to Seurat Object cluster IDs and adds cluster names to a new metadata column called Clusternames. Provides a dotplot of percentage of cell types within each cluster.
labels.column, = NULL, = NULL,
interactive = FALSE
Seurat-class object with cluster IDs column and cell type column present
Vector containing cluster numbers that match the (numeric) cluster ID's in the cluster.column in Seurat Object metadata
Vector containing custom cluster labels
Column name containing cluster ID in the metadata slot in the object
Column name containing labels (usually cell type) in the metadata slot in the object
Vector containing order of clusters in graph. Can contain a subset of cluster numbers to plot that match at least some of the values in the cluster.column. If NULL, use default order (default is NULL)
Vector containing order of cell types in graph. Can contain a subset of cell types to plot that match at least some of the values in the labels.column. If NULL, use default order (default is NULL)
If TRUE, draw plotly plot (default is FALSE)
Returns Seurat-class object with updated slot containing custom cluster annotation and a plot