For each column selected, this template will produce a plot (UMAP/TSNE/PCA; your choice) using the data in that column to color the cells
object,,,, = 5,
reduction.type = "tsne",
use.cite.seq = FALSE,
show.labels = FALSE,
legend.text.size = 1,
legend.position = "right",
dot.size = 0.01
A combined Seurat Object with metadata to plot
Which samples you would like to include
The metadata columns from your Metadata table you would like to plot
The columns you would like to summarize
Select the number of categories you want to display, while marking all other cells as "other." Default is 5
What kind of visualization you would like to use to plot your cells and metadata (tsne, umap, pca). Default is tsne
TRUE if you would like to plot Antibody clusters from CITEseq instead of scRNA. Default is FALSE
Whether to add labels or not to your reduction map. Default is FALSE
Customize the size of the legend text in your charts. Default is 1
Select how you want to align your legend. Default is "right"
The size of the dots displayed on the plot. Default os 0.01
a data.frame extracted from the Seurat object and plot
This is a downstream template for the Single-cell RNA-seq workflow (requires dataset where Filter/QC/SingleR annotations have been run first)