Creates Seurat Objects from h5 files for individual or merged samples. Will log normalize and produce QC figures for individual samples
sample.metadata.table = NULL, = NULL,
rename.col = NULL,
keep = T,
file.filter.regex = c(),
split.h5 = F,
cell.hash = F, = T
Input can be a vector of scRNA-Seq .h5 files, or a list of seurat objects for each sample. vector should include file path.
A table of sample metadata that you want to append to the already-existing metadata within the input Seurat Object(s). (optional)
The column of the input table that contains sample names matching the orig.idents in the input object(s). (optional)
Please select species. Choices are Human or Mouse. (Default: Human).
Select column name from metadata table that contains new samples name (optional).
If TRUE, keep files when pattern is found in sample name. If FALSE, remove files when pattern is found in sample name. The pattern is set in the file.filter.regex parameter (below).
Pattern or regular expression in file name. Use the keep parameter (above) to keep or remove files that contain pattern. If samples have been renamed set regular expression based on new names
If TRUE, split H5 into individual files. (Default: FALSE)
If TRUE, dataset contains cell hashtags. (Default: FALSE)
If TRUE counts table will be log2 normalized. If input contains counts that are already normalzed set to FALSE. (Default: TRUE)
Seurat Object and QC plots
This is Step 1 in the basic Single-Cell RNA-seq workflow. Returns data as a Seurat Object, the basic data structure for Seurat Single Cell analysis.