This method provides visualization of 3D-tSNE plot given a Seurat Object and returns a plotly plot and a dataframe of TSNE coordinates. It optionally saves the plotly image embedded in an html file.
dot.size = 4,
legend = TRUE,
colors = c("darkblue", "purple4", "green", "red", "darkcyan", "magenta2", "orange",
"yellow", "black"),
filename = "plot.html",
save.plot = FALSE,
npcs = 15
Seurat-class object
Metadata column in Seurat Object to use for color
Metadata column in Seurat Object to use for label
Dot size for plot (default is 4)
If TRUE, show legend (default is TRUE)
Colors used for the color.variable
Filename for saving plot (default is "plot.html")
Save plot as widget in html file (default is FALSE)
Number of principal components used for tSNE calculations (default is 15)